Health Revolution
Dr. Elise Brown, Knoxville Nutrition
You are designed for great health and vitality and to live a purposeful and passionate life! And that is what we are all about in Knoxville at Health Revolution: helping you achieve Big & Rich health, so that you can have a Big & Rich life.
- Do you want a Big & Rich Life yet seem to be unable to sustain the momentum to acquire it because of lack of energy and vitality?
- Do you suffer from chronic allergies, digestive problems, insomnia, fatigue, blood sugar crashes, hormone imbalance, low libido, chronic pain, or other nagging health issues?
- Are you tired of taking multiple medications and antibiotics due to allergies and suffering through spring and fall in beautiful Knoxville?
- Is it hard to concentrate and stay focused on your goals?
- Have you lost your drive and energy?
- Would you like to have renewed purpose and passion?
Then take the limits off your life and call us today! Go directly to our Contact page so you can receive a special introductory offer!
You will hear personally from our patients who we have helped at our Testimonials page. You will be our next testimony showing people how to successfully revolutionize their health!
You may be very frustrated because you are doing good things for yourself, but are still not well. You are like many women we help in our Knoxville office who are taking vitamins for nutrition, yet they are still suffering. This is because they have not gotten to the root cause of why their health is lacking. Addressing the root cause is key to getting well and the reason why we get profound results.
With Nutrition Response Testing we get to the root cause by testing for the barriers that are keeping you from healing, as well as testing for your individual nutritional needs. It is “Designed Clinical Nutrition” specific to your physiology and your biochemistry.
So don’t wait another day! We are here to help you turn your health around. Come join us at Health Revolution! We want to help you have Big & Rich Health so that you will enjoy a Big & Rich Life!
- NAET (Allergy Elimination Technique)
- Diplomate in Oriental Medicine (Acupuncture & Herbs)